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Save Water During The Summer With A Plumbing Company

Save Water During The Summer With A Plumbing Company

Remain Efficient During The Summer Heat With Plumbing Company Tips

With summer on the horizon, it only makes sense that you’ve started to think about the heat and what it can do to the air around your home. While you might enjoy having summer barbeques or relaxing by the pool, you have other things to think about as well—like water conservation! It makes sense that you use more water in the summer. After all, you might need to water the grass, your landscaping, and other outdoor items. You might also take more cool showers after being outside in the heat and so on. But you want to remain as efficient as possible, even during the hot months. And that’s where your local plumbing company can help with a few tips.

Tip 1: Check Your Plumbing Inside And Out

At the end of spring or beginning of summer, it’s good to have a plumbing check-up from your plumbing company. That includes the plumbing in your house to ensure things are running well, as well as the plumbing in your pool if you have one. You want to make sure you don’t have any leaks in any of your pipes so things are working efficiently and water isn’t being wasted.

Tip 2: Consider Water-Saving Fixtures

Water use goes up in the summer and if you have to water the yard, consider saving water in other areas. Put in (even temporarily) water-saving fixtures, like shower heads, that help you conserve water during the hot months. Your plumbing company will have plenty of other ideas for you on saving water over the summer.

Tip 3: Water Your Lawn First Thing In The Morning

If you do have to water your lawn or landscaping, it’s important to do so at the right time in order to save as much water as you can. Keep the lawn green by watering first thing in the morning. This is the coolest part of the day and the water will soak into the grass before it gets warm and evaporates. That will save you from having to water again sooner and your grass will look better too.

Tip 4: Turn Water Heater Down

If you are going away for a summer vacation with your family, there’s no use in running the water heater while you are gone. You turn your AC up when you aren’t home, right? So you should also turn your water heater down so it’s not heating water you won’t use while you’re out of the house.

Ask Your Plumbing Company For Help

You want to do your part and conserve as much water as you can and Pete Fer & Son Plumbing and Supply Company can help with even more advice. When you call us to check your plumbing over before the summer heat hits, feel free to ask us questions about water conservation and what you can do in your specific situation to save as much as possible. Not only will you be doing your part, but you’ll save money on your bills as well. We’re here to help with plumbing issues big and small, but we care about your water usage as well!