Renovate Right With A Plumbing Company
No matter how much you loved your home when you first moved in, eventually things are going to start looking tired and worn. The need for renovations arises and generally starts in the kitchen and bathrooms. While those rooms will bring the most value to your home once they are complete, they are also the most complicated rooms to renovate because of the plumbing. Whether you want to add a tub, move the toilet, or put in another sink, you’ll need a plumbing company to help you with the process. Here are some tips to help you get your feet wet.
Figure Out Your Plans First
Before you call a plumbing company to help you with the renovation project, figure out what you want. You don’t have to know the specific details, like what types and sizes you want for pipes or fittings, but you will want to know what you want moved or what you’re adding and where. The plumbing company usually wants to come in, ready to work. If you have all that worked out in advance, you can tell them what you want to do and get them working right away.
Use A Call Sheet
When you call plumbing companies to see which company is right for the job, you will want to ask similar questions of every company, so you can compare one to another Ask about their hourly rates, their rates for non-plumbing tasks (like opening walls to get to the plumbing), and other service charges they may carry. You’ll want to ask about their insurance, licensing, and whether or not they obtain permits for you, if needed. Asking these types of questions of every plumbing company you call will help you judge which one is the best fit. You’ll also want to know if they have worked on similar projects in the past and if they have references they can give to you.
Consider Your Fixtures
In order to get just what you want for the bathroom or kitchen, it’s smart to buy your own fixtures. Go out and find the sinks, toilets, and other things that you’ll need to have installed so you can ensure it’s all ready to go when the plumbing company arrives.
Prepare The Site
You don’t want a plumber wasting any time moving things around that you can do yourself. Clear as much from the room as you can to give them an easy path to the place where they need to work. When they arrive, they can get right to it and you can stick around throughout the process in case they have any questions or need to show you anything they run into during the project.
Getting A Plumbing Company For Renovations
If you know what you want for your renovations, call Pete Fer & Son Plumbing & Supply Company for help. We can give you advice, if you’re unsure as to how to move forward, and we can take on any renovation project involving plumbing in the kitchen or bathroom.