Tips From A Plumbing Company To Maintain Your Water Heater
What do you think is the most used appliance in your home? Would it surprise you to know that it’s the water heater? You don’t necessarily see it or think about it every day, but you use it all the time. Constant usage brings about wear and tear and eventual damage. Water heater repairs are costly and replacement is even more. Rather than waiting for things to break down and stop working, use these four tips from your local plumbing company to prolong the life of your water heater.
Tip 1: Flush The Water Heater
The easiest thing to do in order to maintain your water heater is to flush it out every now and then. This will help control the mineral deposits in the tank. If you aren’t confident about the process, you can contact your plumbing company and have them do it for you. If you are handy, it’s something you might be able to do on your own. But if you’re not completely comfortable with the idea, it’s best to leave it up to professionals.
Tip 2: Let A Plumbing Company Run A Maintenance Check
In order to make sure your water heater is efficient and effective, it’s best to have it checked out at least once a year. You will want to clean the tank out, which we indicated above, but you will also want to have a tank inspection so leaks can be repaired if there are any. The plumbing company can also adjust the thermostat and perform other maintenance elements.
Tip 3: Regulate The Temperature
You want your water heater to succeed long term so you have to regulate the temperature on a normal basis. If you have a gas unit, ensure that the gas valve in the back is set to 120 degrees. The valve doesn’t always have numbers so turn it to ¼ past warm. That’s a good temperature for most homes. For electric tanks, remove the covers for the thermostats and set the bottom to 120 and the top 5-10 degrees above that.
Tip 4: Consider An Anode Rod
Water heaters are going to wear eventually, no matter how well you care for them. You can’t stop the aging process, but you can slow it down with an anode rod in the tank. Water heaters are often made from steel with thin glass linings that help with corrosion. This lining will eventually crack, but if you install an anode rod, it attracts the corrosive elements in the water and keeps the glass from cracking further.
Call The Right Plumbing Company
Your water heater works hard and when you stand in a hot shower, you appreciate the work it does. Before things go bad on you, use these tips to prolong the life of your water heater. When you need repairs, advice, or a complete replacement, Call Pete Fer & Son Plumbing for help. We’ll make sure your water heater gets just what it needs to keep your pipes filled with the warm water you need.