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6 Signs You Need Air Conditioning Repair

6 Signs You Need Air Conditioning Repair

When it comes to air conditioners, many homeowners feel as though they can repair the system themselves. While we understand that homeowners can do simple maintenance such as changing filters, there are some repairs that you cannot do without the help of an experienced HVAC technician.

6 Signs You Need Professional Air Conditioning Repair Services

If you notice any of these signs, you should talk to an HVAC technician about doing the necessary air conditioning repairs.

1. No Airflow or Hot Air

These are the most obvious sign that you need air conditioning repair. When you turn your air conditioning on but don’t feel any airflow or the air is hot, it is time to talk to your HVAC company about doing repairs.

2. Weakened Airflow

If your air is not flowing through your home at the strength that it should be, this generally means that something is wrong with the ventilation system or the air conditioner is not working as efficiently as it should be.

3. Excessive Noise

When you notice that your air conditioner has been noisier than it usually is, this tends to be a sign that your AC compressor is beginning to wear out. It could also be a sign that the fan blades are damaged. Your HVAC company will be able to assess your air conditioning system to discover what is causing the issue and repair it so that your system is working the way that it should.

4. Water Leaks

If water is leaking from your air conditioner, this tends to be a sign that your condensate drain line is clogged. However, there are a number of potential reasons why your air conditioner is leaking. If your air conditioner is leaking, there is no simple repair and your best bet is to just call your HVAC company

5. Inaccurate Thermostat

Is your air conditioning regularly running hotter or cooler than it should be? This tends to be a sign that there is something wrong with your thermostat. Your HVAC company will be able to discover what exactly is happening with your thermostat and repair it so that it is able to properly regulate your air conditioner.

6. Odd Smells

Often air conditioning systems emit strange smells. If you smell musty or mildewy smells, you need to have your HVAC company come do a check up. Smells could mean that a part of your HVAC system is not working the way that it should or that mildew is growing in your ventilation system. This can hurt the air quality of your home or building. If your air conditioning is beginning to smell, your talk to your HVAC company about any repairs that need to be made.

Talking to Your HVAC Company About Air Conditioning Repair

Whenever you have problems with your air conditioning system, you should always feel comfortable discussing them with your HVAC company and asking them any questions you may need. Make sure that they offer all of the necessary air conditioning repair services that you need.

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